We Are Whelchel & Carlton, LLP

Year: 2023

Shoulder injuries after a car crash

A car crash could result in a number of unexpected injuries. After a thorough examination by a physician, an accident victim may face a diagnosis revealing a shoulder injury. The severity of the injury and the recommended treatment will vary among accident victims,...

Determining heirs of your estate

Creating a will that expresses the decedent's desires presents challenges for many Georgia families. Choosing which child becomes the estate administrator and receives a larger share of the assets creates issues that decrease family harmony. There is immense value in...

Asking parents if they have a will

Every year, thousands of estates are processed in Georgia as residents pass away. In some cases, there's no will or formalized planning for the disposition of the estate, which can lead to all kinds of messiness and complication. As a child of parents or a parent who...