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3 times a farmer can be held liable for a car accident

On Behalf of | Jun 20, 2024 | Personal Injury

When discussing car accidents and resultant injuries, a lot of focus is placed on driver negligence. However, there are instances when other parties may be held liable for car accidents.

Farmers are among the parties that can be held liable if their reckless acts result in a car accident. Here are three scenarios where a farmer could be held liable.

1. Obstruction by unrestrained livestock 

Every farmer is required to make sure that their livestock are properly restrained and contained within their property. If livestock escape onto roads or highways due to inadequate fencing, gates left open or negligence in securing enclosures, they can pose serious hazards to motorists. In such cases, if an accident occurs because of unrestrained livestock obstructing the road, the farmer may be held liable for damages and injuries resulting from the collision.

2. Reckless operation of farm equipment

When operating farm equipment near public roads or highways, farmers must exercise caution and adhere to traffic laws just like any other motorist. Suppose a farmer operates farm equipment recklessly, such as driving at excessive speeds, making abrupt maneuvers or failing to signal properly, and this behavior results in a car accident. In that case, they can be held liable for the resulting damages and injuries. For instance, if a tractor suddenly pulls out onto a road without warning, causing a collision with an oncoming vehicle, the farmer’s reckless operation of the tractor could be deemed responsible for the accident.

3. Failure to comply with road safety regulations

Farmers are subject to various road safety regulations when operating farm vehicles or transporting agricultural goods on public roads. This includes requirements such as proper vehicle registration, displaying warning signs on slow-moving vehicles and adhering to weight restrictions. If a farmer disregards these regulations and an accident occurs as a result of their non-compliance (e.g., inadequate warning signage leading to a rear-end collision), they could be held liable for negligence in maintaining road safety standards.

You may be able to pursue compensation for damages and injuries resulting from a car accident caused by a farmer’s reckless acts or negligence in Georgia through a personal injury lawsuit.